- Gooney, E-Gooney Only USD259.99!!! - 300, E-300, Strega, E-Strega, StregaII Only 599.99!!! - Angela, E-Angela Only USD469.99!!! - Tabu, E-Tabu, Typhoon plus, E-Typhoon plus, Tornado, E-Tornado Only USD639.99!!! - Split Only USD619.99!!! - Eagle Only 699.99!!!
- All gliders have 20% off on direct/retailing orders. - Valid till end of Oct. - Discount code: W40RS15ELJJ, H9BD920%ZLL.
New Product E-T-Cat
The new glider E-T-Cat has been released, please check it out here:
Many customers ask about delivery time, for individual orders it's about a week after payment. For shipping way, it will be delivered by air express, it takes about 2-3 weeks for transport.